[ESX] Billing UI
Billing UI
This script makes sending invoices easier, allowing the players to choose the person who should receive the invoice, with a simple click
Showcase Video Click to watch the script in action here!
🌐 Features
- Makes choosing the target of an invoice easier (configurable)
- You can use
to easily integrate the billing mode with any script - Allows you to define default reasons for each job (configurable)
- Allows you to define default amounts for each job (configurable)
- Allows you to choose if players can define and use their own reasons and amounts (only they will see them in the menu)
- Allows players to create custom amounts and custom reasons
- You can define a limit for max reason characters and max amount (configurable)
- Allows players to choose if their job name will be shown before the invoice reason
- Allows players to choose if the money will be received by the society account or in their bank account
- If the player who sent the invoice is offline, he will receive the money in the bank anyway
- Requires confirmation from the customer to receive the invoice
- Low resmon usage
- You can choose X hours before the unpaid bills will be automatically paid
⚡ Resmon
When idle it’s 0.00ms

When selecting a player to bill it’s 0.03-0.04ms

📝 Information
The script uses the official FiveM escrow system